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Manitoba Business Start-Up Kit
Learn more about starting a business in Manitoba through this free guide from World Trade Centre Winnipeg
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You'll find a variety of helpful resources here to help you with any aspect of your business
From starting a new business to applying for grants to finding partners, and everything in between, these how-to guides are the go-to resources for you and your business.
Explore them at your convenience. Give us a call if you have any questions or can’t find exactly what you’re looking for.
Business Solutions

Evotrux is an online tool for securing available capacity and the best rates from your existing carriers and hundreds more.
Whether you’re a shipper looking for better rates, additional capacity, or that hard-to-find equipment, or you’re a carrier looking for better-paying loads, Evotrux is here to help.
World Trade Centre Winnipeg Members get 40% off their first year.
Use promo code WTCW40 at checkout.