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Are you a Microsoft 365 user and not using its AI capabilities?
Explore the fundamentals of Microsoft 365 Copilot, starting with the various applications that now include Copilot AI capabilities.
Learn how to access Copilot Chat and make basic commands to execute simple tasks.
Appeals to organizations considering purchasing Microsoft 365 Copilot AND those organizations who have licensed the tool but are struggling to use it.
Event Info:
October 17th, 2024
12:00 – 1:00 pm CST
Event Value (Cost): $250
Discounted to $0.00 thanks to our funders.
Ryan Bialek
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For most of his life, Ryan has been enthusiastic about technology — but he never thought he would build a career from his love of computers. Today, Ryan is a recognized advocate for the Microsoft Cloud, using his passion to help organizations digitally transform. Ryan has spent the last four years at Clear Concepts leading a Modern Workplace practice that has assisted hundreds of organizations realize the full potential of Microsoft 365.
Kyle Braun
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With an extensive background in data dashboarding, marketing research, data science and AI, Kyle has been helping organizations across multiple industries discover the power of data for over 10 years. Kyle is a strong advocate of data-based decision making and works with clients to uncover actionable insights that elevate organizational effectiveness and adoption of AI tools.