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Programme de plan d’affaires

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Manitoba Business Start-Up Kit

Learn more about starting a business in Manitoba through this free guide from World Trade Centre Winnipeg

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As an entrepreneur, taking the initiative to develop a solid business plan is one of the best things you can do for yourself and your business. A business plan will serve as the roadmap you will use to establish business goals, track progress and attract important investors.

However, we know it can be difficult knowing where to start. After filling in some online business planning templates and reading a few articles, you were probably left with more questions than answers, and nothing tangible to show for your efforts.

That’s why we developed our flagship Business Planning Program (BPP).

Once you have completed the BPP you’ll have a detailed business plan that you can feel confident taking to investors to secure funding, communicating effectively with key stakeholders, proving market viability, minimizing business risks and failure, and using it to make better business decisions.

Having a business plan leads to a greater chance of your business succeeding.
We’re here to help you do just that.

Here’s what the program looks like

  • Six 2.5 hour sessions delivered virtually
  • Guidance and support from our knowledgeable business advisors
  • Personalized support and access to industry experts
  • A detailed workbook tailored for this program
  • A business plan template along with a detailed financials spreadsheet
  • A network of other entrepreneurs in the program who you can connect with and learn from

What you’ll learn

With our program you’ll learn the fundamental aspects that make a great business plan:

  • Introduction to business planning
  • Conducting market research
  • Creating your customer personas and marketing strategy
  • Developing your marketing plan
  • Management, operations, and internal control
  • Developing your financial plan
  • Risk analysis, contingency planning
  • And much more!

Session Dates

Six sessions, each from 11:00 am – 1:30 pm

  • Day 1 – January 28
  • Day 2 – February 4
  • Day 3 – February 11
  • Day 4 – February 18
  • Day 5 – February 25
  • Day 6 – March 4

Coût du programme

$195 + GST


Image de Rosalie Harms

Rosalie Harms


Rosalie Harms, CPA, CMA, CMC, MBA has over 20 years of professional experience in financial management, business advising/consulting, economic development, teaching, and workshop development and facilitation for both the private and not-for-profit sectors across multiple industries.

In addition to her entrepreneurial pursuits, Rosalie is currently a faculty member in the Department of Business and Administration at the University of Winnipeg.

Sponsors de l'événement

BDC, la Banque de développement du Canada et l'institution financière dédiée aux entrepreneurs canadiens.

Manitoba Business Start-Up Kit

Learn more about starting a business in Manitoba through this free guide from World Trade Centre Winnipeg

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