Ask the Advisors: A Roundtable Discussion on Getting Ready for Export

In this session of Ask the Advisors, we are focusing on the intricacies of export preparation. Being an exporter comes with its challenges, but through careful preparation and strategic planning, you can pave the way for success and make informed decisions about your target country.

Presented by members of WTC Winnipeg and Global Affairs Canada, join us and fellow entrepreneurs for a thoughtful roundtable discussion on the topic of international export.

Come prepared with questions and get ready to learn:
  • How do I choose the right target country?

  • How do I get ready for exporting?

  • Why is it important to have an export plan?

  • What are the resources available to support my export journey?

  • And much more!

Event Info:

February 27th, 2024
12:00 – 12:30 pm CST
Free Online Session


Esmeralda Rodriguez Arias, Trade Advisor

Esmeralda Rodriguez Arias

Trade Advisor
World Trade Centre Winnipeg

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Originally from Bogota, Colombia, Esmeralda Rodriguez moved to Winnipeg in 2019 and then joined the WTC Winnipeg as a Trade Advisor. Her role is to help Manitoba businesses reach their corporate goals through obtaining strategic data, locating business opportunities, and connecting businesses with potential Canadian and international partners; as well as provide advisory services on issues such as export planning, market entry strategies and financing options.

She finished her International Business post-graduate program at the Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology (MITT) and received her International Certification as a Trade Professional (CITP®, FIBP®). Before joining the WTC Winnipeg, Esmeralda worked for the United States Embassy in Colombia for ten years and was responsible for the transition of Immigrant Visa cases from Cuba and Venezuela to Guyana.

Esmeralda speaks Spanish, English and French.

Brad Havixbeck, Trade Commissioner, Global Affairs Canada

Shane R. Knutson

Polywest LTD

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Shane Knutson spent more than 24 years in international business marketing Canadian farm equipment around the globe. During this period, Shane spent 30% of his time traveling in the markets each year. He has visited more than seventy-five countries & sold equipment to more than one hundred countries on six continents. Shane’s resume includes Manager of International Sales for MacDon Industries Ltd. (1998 – 2007) which manufactures harvesting equipment & Vice President, International for Ag Growth International (2007 – 2021) which designs & manufacturers Global Food Infrastructure. Currently, Shane is the President of Polywest Ltd. (2022 – Present) which is a rotational molder & distributor of liquid handling products based in Winnipeg, Canada.

Shane grew up on the family farm in Manitoba and holds both a Bachelor degree in Business Administration (BBA) and a Master degree in Business Administration (MBA) from the University of North Dakota.

Ask the Advisors: A Roundtable Discussion on Getting Ready for Export


Feb 27 2024


12:00 pm - 12:30 pm




International Business

Delivery Format