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Entering Tenth Year of Connecting Winnipeg to the World, Local World Trade Centre Sets New Path with Enhanced Partnership

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Friday, February 18, 2022 – WINNIPEG, MANITOBA – The board of directors of the World Trade Centre Winnipeg announced that it is taking steps towards an enhanced partnership with The Winnipeg Chamber Commerce and a restructuring of its leadership team.  The goals include sharing of space, services and finding efficiencies towards better serving the Manitoba business community. As part of this restructuring, Mariette Mulaire is stepping down as Chief Executive Officer (CEO), effective March 1, 2022, and remaining as President through April 29, 2022. 

The World Trade Centre Winnipeg board of directors expects to announce an interim CEO in the near future.

“While I have mixed feelings about moving on, I am excited about the future of the World Trade Centre Winnipeg and the board’s vision of an enhanced working relationship with The Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber has been a partner and advocate for this organization since the very beginning,” said President and CEO Mariette Mulaire. “I am very proud of what we have accomplished since securing the World Trade Centre license ten years ago. We have been providing bilingual advice, counsel and services to thousands of companies, organizations, and individuals.  It has been inspiring to work with partners in the public and private sector to support Manitoba companies in their growth.”

“The past two years have presented challenges and opportunities for us all,” said Fiona Webster-Mourant, Chair of the WTC Winnipeg board and President, Manrex Limited. “The board and the World Trade Centre Winnipeg leadership team led by Mariette Mulaire took this time to reflect on its future, and how it could better serve Manitoba business given changes to the economic development ecosystem. We believe the time is right for a renewed leadership structure and an enhanced collaboration with The Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce.  This will allow us to better serve our clients, the Manitoba companies seeking support on their journey.”

“On behalf of the board of directors, I want to thank Mariette for her devotion to this role and the organization over the past ten years, as well as her tremendous service to the Manitoba business community.  Mariette’s legacy will be long-lasting and her impact on the World Trade Centre Winnipeg and economic development in Manitoba will endure. We wish her all the best in her new endeavours.”

“The Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce is excited to be entering into an enhanced partnership with the World Trade Centre Winnipeg,” said Loren Remillard, President & CEO of The Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce. “In sharing office space, services and collaborating further on programs and services, collectively we will deliver even greater value and impact to businesses as we shift to recovery through to growth.

On behalf of The Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce, I also want to thank Mariette for her exemplary vision, leadership and service, representing our city and province on the world stage, including seven years on the executive of the World Trade Centre Association and three as a vice-chair. Mariette has built a community asset of which all Manitobans can be proud.

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Media contacts at World Trade Centre Winnipeg:

André Brin                                                           Boutaina Berrado

Director, Communications                              Coordinator, Marketing and Communications

[email protected]                [email protected]

T +1 204.289.4085                                            T +1 204.289.4107

M +1 431.278.8506                                           M +1.204.396.1213

The World Trade Centre Winnipeg was founded in April 2012 by the owners of the World Trade Centre license, the Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce and l’ANIM (Agence nationale et internationale du Manitoba). The Centre serves as an information portal for Manitoba entrepreneurs. A member of the World Trade Centers Association (WTCA) and the Western Canada Business Service Network (WCBSN), the WTC Winnipeg is a bilingual private sector-led organisation that serves as the strategic partner for trade for the Province of Manitoba. Our core objective is to work with Manitoba companies to grow and to increase their confidence in international trade, providing them with training, tools and a network of contacts essential to compete locally, nationally and internationally.

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